Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Penguin's Horrifying Discovery!
I watched "Twins"
and seems Penguin hasn't got the news very well...
if you watch the opening scene in Batman Returns, you see that Oswald's Father, Tucker Cobblepot, is really Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman)... and he hasn't got it well as much as Mr.Freeze's Notion...
Poor Penguin...
and seems Penguin hasn't got the news very well...

if you watch the opening scene in Batman Returns, you see that Oswald's Father, Tucker Cobblepot, is really Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman)... and he hasn't got it well as much as Mr.Freeze's Notion...

Poor Penguin...

Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
How They Met.
This is how Aluma met Marius.
Marius was sitting by himself, with no friends...
He was a loner all this time... until Aluma felt sorry for him, and came to him, and greet him. ^^
Marius: ......
Aluma: (Awww, that's not right, I must make something right.) *walks to him* ....Hi.
Marius: *turns as she startled him* huh?
Aluma: ..Hi, my name is Aluma. Aluma Yakaru... Nice to meet you, Friend. ^^
Marius: ....But, we're not friends...
Aluma: But, We can be friends right now! ^^ *gives him a hand shake* I just love having Friends! :D hurts me seeing a poor boy like you looking so sad, having no friend to talk to...
Marius: ...Yeah.... I don't got any... :(
Aluma: Well, i'm going to be your best friend FOREVER! :D
Marius: ...O-Okay... :)
A Crossover with BBI and TOY MANIA. XD
Marius: Venom.... what the hell are you doing?
Venom: Grabbing a titty! What? Sue me! "aceh!"
Marius: -_-; "sigh"......
Aluma: Ohhh... Mr.Brock Jr, don't do that...
Venom: Ohh Foohey... "aceh!" I can touch these honkers all day if I have to, "aceh!" ^//^
Aluma: "moan" Stop, Please...
Marius: Kicking your ass in ....5.....4.....3....2....1... *beat up venom*
Suzuka: Wow, this guy stinks... >_<
Spider-Man: Mi-Mizuki! Let go of my Butt! >///<
Mizuki: No! You got a nice bum! :D *looks at venom* ehhh? that guy is ugly....
Venom: Hey, I heared that! "aceh"
Jaabili: ??? Apa?
Eve: "giggle" You do got a nice Ass... ^///^
Spider-Man: Someone Kill me... -_-;
Terminator: Sure...
Spider-Man: NOT NOW! >_<;;
Doc-Ock: O_O;; WHOAAA!! "twits"....!
Ayaka: *got hit by doc-ock* Myew! >_<
Ayaka: *got hit by doc-ock* Myew! >_<
Soko: Your chubby, chubby and fluffy... ^//^
Doc-Ock: Fluffy? you think i'm cute? "twits"?
Soko: Yes. ^//^ :P
Doc-Ock: Aww Shucks. ^^
Elecman: Oh God.... -_-
Doc-Ock: Shut up Elecman! >_<;;
Stay Puft: Kara! ^^ Nice to see you again! ^^
Kara: Brother! :D
Evellia: Mmmmmmh... *going to put chocolate syrup on stay puft*
Rorschach: (I had to get used to this world...) Hurm....
Peter: Terminator! "scoff" Leave me alone! >_<;;
Terminator: I'm going to put the hurt on you, Pussy!
Peter: Noooo! O_O
Maggie: Hahahahaha! lol this guy is such a weenie... XD
Peter: I heared that...
Maggie: So?
Terminator: Let's whack this Pussy!
Annaliese: *going to stop terminator* Nooo! Don't hurt him, and stop being a bully, and a meanie!
Terminator: Oh God... -_-; another pussy, only a GIRL!
Maggie: That's Annaliese... she is a.....wussy.... like Peter here.... -_-;;
Terminator: Will she's little... I don't put the hurt on little children..... i'm not a pussy!
Maggie: I would...
Peter: Thank You, Annaliese! You are the most loveable girl, I wish I hadd a daughter like you. ^^
Annaliese: Thank You. :)
Terminator: *roll his eyes* *and smash him*
Annaliese: "gasp" O_O;; WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!
Terminator: I hate pussies....
Alexa: Umm hi...
Pickleman: *zoned out from donuts* ................
Alexa: Hello?
Pickleman: .........
Alexa: Hey...
Pickleman: ..............
Alexa: HEY!!
Pickleman: ................
Alexa: "groan" is there anything wrong with this guy?
Elecman: That's Pickleman, he usely act like that... -_-
Alexa: Why?!
Elecman: We Don't know.... He's an idiot...
Alexa: O_o;
Jason: Holy Bitches! O_O What the hell are we're doing here, Bitch!?
Freddy: ....Well, it's your fault, you dumbass....
Jason: I heared that Bitch! *farts*
Freddy: AURG!
All: Eeewwwwwww.... >_<;;
Friday, June 3, 2011
Giga Donuts!
Yes, BBI has a crossover with TOY MANIA. XD
and...err...Homer too... XD
Aluma made Marius, Alexa, and Elska (offscreen by donuts) until, suddenly, Elecman, Venom, and Pickleman came.... and Pickleman is going to make a GLOMPAGE on the Donuts! XD and also Homer is going to attack the Donuts as well! >_< XD
When do eating Donuts for breakfast, has become a living hell?! O_o;;
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